
New postcards at blanko, publisher of Swiss contemporary artists since 2003!

«blanko Postkartenverlag für Schweizer Kunst wurde 2003 gegründet. Zeitgenössische Kunst soll geteilt werden – tausendfach. Frisch gedruckte Sujets ergänzen das Sortiment. Vielen Dank für die Mitwirkung an Claudia Comte, Vincent Kohler, Ugo Rondinone, Jessica Russ, Agnès Wyler und Helena Wyss-Scheffler.».

Fotos: Miklós Klaus Rózsa @miklosklaus and Gion Pfander @gionpfander

Order here

Postkartenverlag für Schweizer Kunst
Simone Müller
Spinnereistrasse 6
5210 Windisch 
+41 76 390 02 90

konzepterei müller
Simone Müller
Spinnereistrasse 6
5210 Windisch 
+41 76 390 02 90

New Solo Show


Lèvres • Ceramic Books & Bookworms and a Special Edition of Seven Unique Knigi Sculptures • Nana • For Sale and on Display in June 2024 and extended until end of August 2024 • Price List Available
Photography by Miklós Klaus Rózsa
@nievesbooks @zurichartweekend @miklosklaus

Exhibition at Nieves
Ankerstrasse 27
8004 Zurich

+41 (0)44 586 87 89 in Zurich
instagram nievesbooks
instagram agneswylerstudio

Next Group Shows


Y.?, ceramic glazed, 2024 is part of the group show «EINSICHTEN 2024» curated by the visarte Zürich’s team.
More informations on the websites of visarte Zürich and Kupper Modern.
@visarte_zuerich, @kupper_modern.
instagram agneswylerstudio

Kupper Modern, Zwinglistrasse 10, 8004 Zürich.
August 24th – September 6th, 2024

Opening: Friday, Aug. 23rd. 6 – 10 p.m.
Finissage: Friday, Sept. 6th. 6 – 10 p.m.
Opening hours:
Wednesday- Sunday, 2 – 7 p.m.
Download PDF

u, and i. bouche bée, aus der Serie Golehm, «deine Augen haben gesehen», 2023- 2024, are thankful and happy to be part of the group show «Mai-Juni Stellung» at SIHLQUAI253,
8005 Zürich. @sihlquai253, @adrian_fabribraland @mmiillennkkooo @suzanasebesta @marcelsener... and many more!

Save the dates, coming soon:

Discourse: Thursday, Mai 30th. at 7 p.m.
Auction: Friday, Mai 31st. at 8 p.m.
Performances: Saturday, June first at 8 p.m.

Also SIHLQUAI253 invites you and your friends to the ZurichArtWeekend-Apéro, June 7th., at 6 p.m. @zurichartweekend (June 7th.- June 9th., 2024).

Our group show will be on display till Saturday June 8th.

instagram agneswylerstudio
instagram sihlquai253
